Affiliate Rewards Program

Frequently asked questions

Affiliate Rewards Program

Frequently asked questions

Affiliate Rewards Program

Frequently asked questions

What is the Affiliate Rewards Program?

The Cheat Sheet Central Affiliate program is designed to reward members/influencers when promoting and reselling our high-quality digital info products to their customers and subscribers.

How does it work?

If have a YouTube or Instagram Channel with over 100k subscribers you are eligible to join our Affiliate Program.

Positions are currently limited to the first 100 applicants - so get in quick and register today. If you are accepted - you will receive a unique affiliate code and promotional materials to use on your social channels.

2. Promote our products

Share your affiliate/discount code through your YouTube channel, website, social media accounts or email newsletters.

3. Earn commissions

When customers complete a purchase using your affiliate/discount code - you will receive a commission.

It's that simple! Join our Affiliate Program today and start earning rewards for reselling our digital info products.

How do I join?

If you want to join our affiliate program simply register here 

What commission do you offer?

There are 2 types of commissions available:

1. Sales Commission:

When customers use your affiliate/discount code to purchase an 
Info Product created by Cheat Sheet Central you will receive:

30% sales commission

2. Contributor Commission:

When customers use your affiliate/discount code to purchase an 
Info Product that you have created you will receive:

30% sales commission + 20% contributor commission

Total Commission = 50%

Please Note: In instances where an affiliate member contributes to the sale of an Info product that is supplied by a contributor - the referring affiliate member will receive the 30% sales commission for generating the sale and the contributor with receive the 20% contributor commission.

Is the commission recurring?

Yes - you can earn residual income as long as your referrals use your affiliate/discount code when making a purchase.

When and how do I get paid?

Commissions are calculated at the end of the each Financial Year (30th June). Once verified Cheat Sheet Central will notify you detailing the total commission you have earned for the year via email. Once you have supplied us with an invoice for your services (containing the amount owed and your commission reference number) - we will make payment to your nominated account shortly after.

What is the Affiliate Rewards Program?

The Cheat Sheet Central Affiliate program is designed to reward members/influencers when promoting and reselling our high-quality digital info products to their customers and subscribers.

How does it work?

If have a YouTube or Instagram Channel with over 100k subscribers you are eligible to join our Affiliate Program.

Positions are currently limited to the first 100 applicants - so get in quick and register today. If you are accepted - you will receive a unique affiliate code and promotional materials to use on your social media channels.

2. Promote our products

Share your affiliate/discount code through your YouTube channel, website, social media accounts or email newsletters.

3. Earn commissions

When customers complete a purchase using your unique affiliate/discount code - you will receive a commission.

It's that simple! Join our Affiliate Program today and start earning rewards for reselling our digital info products.

How do I join?

If you want to join our affiliate program simply register here 

Commissions on offer

There are 2 types of commissions available:

1. Sales Commission:

When customers use your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product created by Cheat Sheet Central you will receive:
30% standard commission

2. Contributor Commission:

When customers use your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product you have created

you will receive:
30% sales commission +

20% contributor commission

Total Commission = 50%

Please Note: In instances where an affiliate member contributes to the sale of an Info product that is supplied by a contributor - the referring affiliate member will receive the 30% sales commission for generating the sale and the contributor with receive the 20% contributor commission.

Is the commission recurring?

Yes - you can earn residual income as long as your referrals use your affiliate/discount code when making a purchase.

How do I get paid?

Commissions are calculated at the end of the each Financial Year (30th June). Once verified - Cheat Sheet Central will notify you detailing the total commission you have earned for the year via email.

Once you have supplied us with an invoice for your services (containing the amount owed and your commission reference number) - we will make payment to your nominated account shortly after.

Want to generate support for your social media channels?

Start generating a residual income selling our digital

info products today!

Join our affiliate rewards program!

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What is the Affiliate Rewards Program?

The Cheat Sheet Central Affiliate program is designed to reward members/influencers when promoting and reselling our high-quality digital info products to their customers and subscribers.

How does it work?

If have a YouTube or Instagram Channel with over 100k subscribers you are eligible to join our Affiliate Program.

Positions are currently limited to the first 100 applicants - so get in quick and register today. If you are accepted - you will receive a unique affiliate code and promotional materials to use on your social media channels.

2. Promote our products

Share your affiliate/discount code through your YouTube channel, website, social media accounts or email newsletters.

3. Earn commissions

When customers complete a purchase using your affiliate/discount code - you will receive a commission.

It's that simple! Join our Affiliate Program today and start earning rewards for reselling our digital info products.

How do I join?

If you want to join our affiliate program simply register here 

What commission do you offer?

There are 2 types of commissions available:

1. Sales Commission:

When customers use your affiliate code to purchase Info Products created by Cheat Sheet Central you receive:

30% sales commission

2. Contributor Commission:

When customers use your affiliate code to purchase Info Products that you have created you receive:

30% sales commission + a 20% contributor commission = Total Commission 50%

Please Note: In instances where an affiliate member contributes to the sale of an Info product that is supplied by a contributor - the referring affiliate member will receive the 30% sales commission for generating the sale and the contributor with receive the 20% contributor commission.

Is the commission recurring?

Yes - you can earn residual income as long as your referrals use your affiliate/discount code when making a purchase.

When and how do I get paid?

Commissions are calculated at the end of the each Financial Year (30th June). Once verified Cheat Sheet Central will notify you detailing the total commission you have earned for the year via email. Once you have supplied us with an invoice for your services (containing the amount owed and your commission reference number) - we will make payment to your nominated account shortly after.

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