Affiliate Rewards Program
Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Rewards Program Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Rewards Program Terms and Conditions

Affiliate Rewards Program
Terms and Conditions

The Cheat Sheet Central Affiliate Rewards Program ("Program") allows members and influencers to earn commissions by promoting and reselling our high-quality digital information products. By participating in the Program, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Program Enrolment:

1.1 To join the Program, please register on our designated affiliate registration page. To ensure optimal management and provide a high-quality experience, we are currently limiting the number of affiliates. Therefore, we kindly request that applicants have at least 100k subscribers on either YouTube or Instagram Channels to qualify.

At this stage, we are currently accepting the first 100 successful applications only. However, we value every applicant that applies, and those who are unsuccessful will be placed on a waiting list for future consideration. We will notify you when new positions become available. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming new affiliates as our program expands.

1.2 Upon successful registration, you will receive a unique affiliate/discount code and promotional materials to be used for promoting our products on your social channels.

1.3 Upon successful registration, you will also be automatically subscribed to our email newsletter for Affiliate Program News and Product Updates - If you do not want to receive these communications please unsubscribe.

2. Promotion of Products:

2.1 As an affiliate, you are encouraged to promote our products through various channels, including but not limited to YouTube channels, websites, social media accounts, and email newsletters.

2.2 You are responsible for accurately sharing your affiliate/discount code with potential customers to ensure proper tracking of referrals.

3. Commissions:

3.1 Standard Commission:

a. When a customer uses your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product created by Cheat Sheet Central, you will earn a commission of 30% of the final product price before any applicable taxes, including GST, have been added.

3.2 Contributor Commission:

a. When a customer uses your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product that you have created and contributed to, you will earn a commission of 30% of the final product price before any applicable taxes, including GST, have been added. Additionally, you will receive an additional 20% contributor commission, resulting in a total commission of 50%.

3.3 Split Commissions:

a. In instances where an affiliate member contributes to the sale of an Info Product supplied by a contributor, the referring affiliate member will receive a 30% sales commission for generating the sale, and the contributor will receive a 20% contributor commission.

3.4 Commission Recurrence:

a. Commissions are recurring, provided that your referred customers continue to use your affiliate/discount code for their purchases.

4. Commission Payouts:

4.1 Commission Calculation and Verification:

a. Commissions are calculated at the end of each Financial Year, on June 30th.

b. Cheat Sheet Central will verify the commissions earned and, upon verification, notify you via email with the total commission amount.

c. Commissions are calculated based on the final product price (after discounts have been applied) and gst has been deducted

d. Refunded products will not be eligible for commission

4.2 Payment Process:

a. To receive payment, you must submit an invoice to Cheat Sheet Central, including amount owed and commission reference number.

b. Payment will be made to your nominated account shortly after receipt of the invoice.

5. Compliance:

5.1 As an affiliate, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while promoting our products.

5.2 You are responsible for any tax liabilities arising from the commissions earned through the Program.

6. Contributor Obligations:

6.1 Content Accuracy and Endorsement:

a. Cheat Sheet Central does not confirm the accuracy of the content (or opinions) supplied by contributors. Contributors are solely responsible for the accuracy and quality of the content they provide.

b. Cheat Sheet Central does not endorse or assume responsibility for any content (or opinions) supplied by contributors. Any claims, inaccuracies, or issues related to the content should be directed towards the respective contributor and not towards Cheat Sheet Central.

c. Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use or reliance on any contributed content.

6.2 Copyright and Plagiarism:

a. Cheat Sheet Central respects intellectual property rights and expects all users, affiliates, and content providers to do the same.

b. Contributors are responsible for ensuring that the content they supply or contribute to Cheat Sheet Central does not infringe upon copyright or contain plagiarised material.

c. Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any copyright breaches, plagiarism claims, or legal issues arising from the content supplied by affiliates, content providers, or users of the Website.

d. Upon receiving a notice of alleged copyright infringement or plagiarism, Cheat Sheet Central will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, including the removal of infringing or plagiarised content, as required by applicable laws and regulations. In the event that any sales commissions or contributor commissions are derived from content that is deemed to be in breach of copyright, Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to consider such commissions null and void, without prejudice to any other legal remedies available. Cheat Sheet Central aims to protect the integrity of its affiliate program and will diligently address any false claims or malicious attempts to harm legitimate contributors or affiliates.

e. Reproduction or reselling of downloaded content obtained from Cheat Sheet Central is strictly prohibited. Users and customers are prohibited from redistributing, selling, or otherwise commercially exploiting the copyright-protected items obtained from Cheat Sheet Central without prior written consent. Any unauthorised reproduction or reselling of downloaded content may result in legal action being taken by Cheat Sheet Central to protect its intellectual property rights and seek appropriate remedies.

6.3 Liability for Downloadable Info Products and Third-Party Content:

a. While Cheat Sheet Central makes every effort to ensure that our downloadable info products are free from potential viruses, malware, or malicious code, it is important for Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors to understand that we cannot guarantee the complete elimination of such threats. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all content providers perform due diligence before supplying content to the platform, ensuring it is free from viruses, malware, or malicious code. We also advise using the latest anti-virus software to enhance protection and exercising caution when accessing and sharing files.

b. It is important to note that certain content available on our platform has been directly supplied by third-party providers and contributors. These third-party products may unknowingly contain hidden viruses, malware, or links to external websites that contain malicious code. Cheat Sheet Central will provide a notification on each third-party product page, clearly indicating that the downloadable info product is provided by a third party. Although we strive to vet and review third-party content, we cannot guarantee that all supplied content is free of viruses or malware. Therefore, it is imperative for Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors to exercise due diligence and use the latest anti-virus software when supplying and utilising any digital product. Any legal claims or issues arising from the use of their supplied content should be directed to the respective contributor or third-party provider responsible for supplying the content.

By acknowledging these guidelines and recommendations, Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors accept full responsibility for ensuring that the content they supply is free from viruses, malware, and links to external websites with malicious code. Cheat Sheet Central will not be held liable for any damages, losses, or legal claims resulting from the use of content that contains viruses, malware, or links to external websites with malicious code. It is the responsibility of the content provider/contributor to take appropriate measures to safeguard their supplied content and ensure its compliance with security standards and regulations.

Furthermore, please note that if Cheat Sheet Central needs to recreate artwork from supplied content to ensure it meets our quality standards, a separate fee will apply.

The service charge for artwork recreation is based on the following pricing:

• Text Only (page with text only - plus a logo if required): $66 per page

• Basic Design (page with text, logo with 1x photo/graphic): $99 per page

• Standard Design (page with text, logo, existing branding elements): $132 per page

• Premium Design (page with logo, text, branding, multiple photos/basic icons): $165 per page

• Complex Design (page with logo, text, branding, extra photos/icons/graphics/effects/tables): $198 per page

All prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and include GST.

7. Termination:

7.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Program at any time if you violate these terms, engage in fraudulent or unethical practices, if the content you contribute is found to be in breach of copyright or contains plagiarised material, if the content is deemed offensive, pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable, or if we determine that specific content provided by contributors may be offensive, pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable. This includes content that may infringe upon intellectual property rights, violate applicable laws or regulations, or go against our internal content guidelines.

7.2 In the event of termination or rejection of content, Cheat Sheet Central shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from such actions.

8. Modifications:

8.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to modify or terminate the Affiliate Rewards Program, including commission rates, payment terms, and content guidelines, at any time without prior notice. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the Program's designated page.

9. Confidentiality:

9.1 Throughout your participation in the Program, you may gain access to confidential information. You agree to maintain the confidentiality of any such information and not disclose it to any third parties.

10. Relationship:

10.1 Your participation in the Program does not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and Cheat Sheet Central.

11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

11.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.

11.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Queensland, Australia.

By participating in the Affiliate Rewards Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.

General Terms and Conditions
Cheat Sheet Central

1. Content Accuracy and Endorsement:

1.1 Cheat Sheet Central ("Website") provides digital cheat sheets, eBooks, and other digital information products ("Products") for download. The accuracy of the content within these Products is not confirmed by Cheat Sheet Central.

1.2 Cheat Sheet Central does not endorse or assume responsibility for any content (or opinions) supplied by affiliates, content providers, or users of the Website. Any claims, inaccuracies, or issues related to the content should be directed towards the respective content provider or affiliate, and not towards Cheat Sheet Central.

1.3 Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use or reliance on any content within the Products.

2. Copyright and Plagiarism:

2.1 Cheat Sheet Central respects intellectual property rights and expects all users, affiliates and content providers to do the same.

2.2 Content providers, affiliates, and users of the Website are solely responsible for ensuring that the content they supply or upload to the Website does not infringe upon copyright or contain plagiarised material.

2.3 Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any copyright breaches, plagiarism claims, or legal issues arising from the content supplied by affiliates, content providers, or users of the Website.

2.4 Upon receiving a notice of alleged copyright infringement or plagiarism, Cheat Sheet Central will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, including the removal of infringing or plagiarised content, as required by applicable laws and regulations. In the event that any sales commissions or contributor commissions are derived from content that is deemed to be in breach of copyright, Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to consider such commissions null and void, without prejudice to any other legal remedies available. Cheat Sheet Central aims to protect the integrity of its affiliate program and will diligently address any false claims or malicious attempts to harm legitimate contributors or affiliates.

2.5 Reproduction or reselling of downloaded content obtained from Cheat Sheet Central is strictly prohibited. Users and customers are prohibited from redistributing, selling, or otherwise commercially exploiting the copyright-protected items obtained from Cheat Sheet Central without prior written consent. Any unauthorised reproduction or reselling of downloaded content may result in legal action being taken by Cheat Sheet Central to protect its intellectual property rights and seek appropriate remedies.

3. Use of Products:

3.1 The Products provided on the Website are intended for educational and informational purposes only.

3.2 Cheat Sheet Central does not guarantee the suitability, accuracy, or completeness of the Products for any particular purpose. Users and customers should exercise their own judgment and discretion when using the Products. Additionally, please note that the content and information contained within digital products on our website may be subject to change without notice. It is recommended to stay updated and verify the information provided, especially in cases where the content or information may become obsolete or undergo changes over time."

3.3 Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use or misuse of the Products.

4. Refunds:

4.1 Cheat Sheet Central generally does not offer refunds for its downloadable digital products. Once a customer purchases a product, they will have access to the content, and the purchase is considered final. However, refund requests will be investigated and evaluated on their merits. If you have a genuine reason for dissatisfaction with a product, please contact our customer support team, and we will assess your request accordingly.

5. Limitation of Liability:

5.1 To the maximum extent permitted by law, Cheat Sheet Central and its affiliates, officers, employees, or agents shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use the Website or the Products.

5.2 Cheat Sheet Central's total liability, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, shall not exceed the amount paid by the customer or affiliate for the specific Product in question.

6. Termination:

6.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to terminate or suspend access to the Website, Products, or Affiliate Program at any time, for any reason, without prior notice or liability.

7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

7.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.

7.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Queensland, Australia.

8. Entire Agreement:

8.1 These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and Cheat Sheet Central regarding the subject matter herein and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written.

By using the Website and purchasing or downloading the Products, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions in their entirety. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between you and Cheat Sheet Central regarding the subject matter herein and supersede all prior agreements and understandings, whether oral or written.

Affiliate Rewards Program
Terms and Conditions

The Cheat Sheet Central Affiliate Rewards Program ("Program") allows members and influencers to earn commissions by promoting and reselling our high-quality digital information products. By participating in the Program, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Program Enrolment:

1.1 To join the Program, please register on our designated affiliate registration page. To ensure optimal management and provide a high-quality experience, we are currently limiting the number of affiliates. Therefore, we kindly request that applicants have at least 100k subscribers on either YouTube or Instagram Channels to qualify.

At this stage, we are currently accepting the first 100 successful applications only. However, we value every applicant that applies, and those who are unsuccessful will be placed on a waiting list for future consideration. We will notify you when new positions become available. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming new affiliates as our program expands.

1.2 Upon successful registration, you will receive a unique affiliate/discount code and promotional materials to be used for promoting our products on your social channels.

1.3 Upon successful registration, you will also be automatically subscribed to our email newsletter for Affiliate Program News and Product Updates - If you do not want to receive these communications please unsubscribe.

2. Promotion of Products:

2.1 As an affiliate, you are encouraged to promote our products through various channels, including but not limited to YouTube channels, websites, social media accounts, and email newsletters.

2.2 You are responsible for accurately sharing your affiliate/discount code with potential customers to ensure proper tracking of referrals.

3. Commissions:

3.1 Standard Commission:

a. When a customer uses your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product created by Cheat Sheet Central, you will earn a commission of 30% of the final product price before any applicable taxes, including GST, have been added.

3.2 Contributor Commission:

a. When a customer uses your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product that you have created and contributed to, you will earn a commission of 30% of the final product price before any applicable taxes, including GST, have been added. Additionally, you will receive an additional 20% contributor commission, resulting in a total commission of 50%.

3.3 Split Commissions:

a. In instances where an affiliate member contributes to the sale of an Info Product supplied by a contributor, the referring affiliate member will receive a 30% sales commission for generating the sale, and the contributor will receive a 20% contributor commission.

3.4 Commission Recurrence:

a. Commissions are recurring, provided that your referred customers continue to use your affiliate/discount code for their purchases.

4. Commission Payouts:

4.1 Commission Calculation and Verification:

a. Commissions are calculated at the end of each Financial Year, on June 30th.

b. Cheat Sheet Central will verify the commissions earned and, upon verification, notify you via email with the total commission amount.

c. Commissions are calculated based on the final product price (after discounts have been applied) and gst has been deducted

d. Refunded products will not be eligible for commission

4.2 Payment Process:

a. To receive payment, you must submit an invoice to Cheat Sheet Central, including amount owed and commission reference number.

b. Payment will be made to your nominated account shortly after receipt of the invoice.

5. Compliance:

5.1 As an affiliate, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while promoting our products.

5.2 You are responsible for any tax liabilities arising from the commissions earned through the Program.

6. Contributor Obligations:

6.1 Content Accuracy and Endorsement:

a. Cheat Sheet Central does not confirm the accuracy of the content (or opinions) supplied by contributors. Contributors are solely responsible for the accuracy and quality of the content they provide.

b. Cheat Sheet Central does not endorse or assume responsibility for any content (or opinions) supplied by contributors. Any claims, inaccuracies, or issues related to the content should be directed towards the respective contributor and not towards Cheat Sheet Central.

c. Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use or reliance on any contributed content.

6.2 Copyright and Plagiarism:

a. Cheat Sheet Central respects intellectual property rights and expects all users, affiliates, and content providers to do the same.

b. Contributors are responsible for ensuring that the content they supply or contribute to Cheat Sheet Central does not infringe upon copyright or contain plagiarised material.

c. Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any copyright breaches, plagiarism claims, or legal issues arising from the content supplied by affiliates, content providers, or users of the Website.

d. Upon receiving a notice of alleged copyright infringement or plagiarism, Cheat Sheet Central will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, including the removal of infringing or plagiarised content, as required by applicable laws and regulations. In the event that any sales commissions or contributor commissions are derived from content that is deemed to be in breach of copyright, Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to consider such commissions null and void, without prejudice to any other legal remedies available. Cheat Sheet Central aims to protect the integrity of its affiliate program and will diligently address any false claims or malicious attempts to harm legitimate contributors or affiliates.

e. Reproduction or reselling of downloaded content obtained from Cheat Sheet Central is strictly prohibited. Users and customers are prohibited from redistributing, selling, or otherwise commercially exploiting the copyright-protected items obtained from Cheat Sheet Central without prior written consent. Any unauthorised reproduction or reselling of downloaded content may result in legal action being taken by Cheat Sheet Central to protect its intellectual property rights and seek appropriate remedies.

6.3 Liability for Downloadable Info Products and Third-Party Content:

a. While Cheat Sheet Central makes every effort to ensure that our downloadable info products are free from potential viruses, malware, or malicious code, it is important for Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors to understand that we cannot guarantee the complete elimination of such threats. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all content providers perform due diligence before supplying content to the platform, ensuring it is free from viruses, malware, or malicious code. We also advise using the latest anti-virus software to enhance protection and exercising caution when accessing and sharing files.

b. It is important to note that certain content available on our platform has been directly supplied by third-party providers and contributors. These third-party products may unknowingly contain hidden viruses, malware, or links to external websites that contain malicious code. Cheat Sheet Central will provide a notification on each third-party product page, clearly indicating that the downloadable info product is provided by a third party. Although we strive to vet and review third-party content, we cannot guarantee that all supplied content is free of viruses or malware. Therefore, it is imperative for Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors to exercise due diligence and use the latest anti-virus software when supplying and utilising any digital product. Any legal claims or issues arising from the use of their supplied content should be directed to the respective contributor or third-party provider responsible for supplying the content.

By acknowledging these guidelines and recommendations, Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors accept full responsibility for ensuring that the content they supply is free from viruses, malware, and links to external websites with malicious code. Cheat Sheet Central will not be held liable for any damages, losses, or legal claims resulting from the use of content that contains viruses, malware, or links to external websites with malicious code. It is the responsibility of the content provider/contributor to take appropriate measures to safeguard their supplied content and ensure its compliance with security standards and regulations.

Furthermore, please note that if Cheat Sheet Central needs to recreate artwork from supplied content to ensure it meets our quality standards, a separate fee will apply.

The service charge for artwork recreation is based on the following pricing:

• Text Only (page with text only - plus a logo if required): $66 per page

• Basic Design (page with text, logo with 1x photo/graphic): $99 per page

• Standard Design (page with text, logo, existing branding elements): $132 per page

• Premium Design (page with logo, text, branding, multiple photos/basic icons): $165 per page

• Complex Design (page with logo, text, branding, extra photos/icons/graphics/effects/tables): $198 per page

All prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and include GST.

7. Termination:

7.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Program at any time if you violate these terms, engage in fraudulent or unethical practices, if the content you contribute is found to be in breach of copyright or contains plagiarised material, if the content is deemed offensive, pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable, or if we determine that specific content provided by contributors may be offensive, pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable. This includes content that may infringe upon intellectual property rights, violate applicable laws or regulations, or go against our internal content guidelines.

7.2 In the event of termination or rejection of content, Cheat Sheet Central shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from such actions.

8. Modifications:

8.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to modify or terminate the Affiliate Rewards Program, including commission rates, payment terms, and content guidelines, at any time without prior notice. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the Program's designated page.

9. Confidentiality:

9.1 Throughout your participation in the Program, you may gain access to confidential information. You agree to maintain the confidentiality of any such information and not disclose it to any third parties.

10. Relationship:

10.1 Your participation in the Program does not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and Cheat Sheet Central.

11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

11.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.

11.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Queensland, Australia.

By participating in the Affiliate Rewards Program, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions.

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Affiliate Rewards Program - Terms and Conditions

The Cheat Sheet Central Affiliate Rewards Program ("Program") allows members and influencers to earn commissions by promoting and reselling our high-quality digital information products. By participating in the Program, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions:

1. Program Enrolment:

1.1 To join the Program, please register on our designated affiliate registration page. To ensure optimal management and provide a high-quality experience, we are currently limiting the number of affiliates. Therefore, we kindly request that applicants have at least 100k subscribers on either YouTube or Instagram Channels to qualify.

At this stage, we are currently accepting the first 100 successful applications only. However, we value every applicant that applies, and those who are unsuccessful will be placed on a waiting list for future consideration. We will notify you when new positions become available. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to welcoming new affiliates as our program expands.

1.2 Upon successful registration, you will receive a unique affiliate/discount code and promotional materials to be used for promoting our products on your social channels.

1.3 Upon successful registration, you will also be automatically subscribed to our email newsletter for Affiliate Program News and Product Updates - If you do not want to receive these communications please unsubscribe.

2. Promotion of Products:

2.1 As an affiliate, you are encouraged to promote our products through various channels, including but not limited to YouTube channels, websites, social media accounts, and email newsletters.

2.2 You are responsible for accurately sharing your affiliate/discount code with potential customers to ensure proper tracking of referrals.

3. Commissions:

3.1 Standard Commission:

a. When a customer uses your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product created by Cheat Sheet Central, you will earn a commission of 30% of the final product price before any applicable taxes, including GST, have been added.

3.2 Contributor Commission:

a. When a customer uses your affiliate/discount code to purchase an Info Product that you have created and contributed to, you will earn a commission of 30% of the final product price before any applicable taxes, including GST, have been added. Additionally, you will receive an additional 20% contributor commission, resulting in a total commission of 50%.

3.3 Split Commissions:

a. In instances where an affiliate member contributes to the sale of an Info Product supplied by a contributor, the referring affiliate member will receive a 30% sales commission for generating the sale, and the contributor will receive a 20% contributor commission.

3.4 Commission Recurrence:

a. Commissions are recurring, provided that your referred customers continue to use your affiliate/discount code for their purchases.

4. Commission Payouts:

4.1 Commission Calculation and Verification:

a. Commissions are calculated at the end of each Financial Year, on June 30th.

b. Cheat Sheet Central will verify the commissions earned and, upon verification, notify you via email with the total commission amount.

c. Commissions are calculated based on the final product price (after discounts have been applied) and gst has been deducted

d. Refunded products will not be eligible for commission

4.2 Payment Process:

a. To receive payment, you must submit an invoice to Cheat Sheet Central, including amount owed and commission reference number.

b. Payment will be made to your nominated account shortly after receipt of the invoice.

5. Compliance:

5.1 As an affiliate, you agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while promoting our products.

5.2 You are responsible for any tax liabilities arising from the commissions earned through the Program.

6. Contributor Obligations:

6.1 Content Accuracy and Endorsement:

a. Cheat Sheet Central does not confirm the accuracy of the content (or opinions) supplied by contributors. Contributors are solely responsible for the accuracy and quality of the content they provide.

b. Cheat Sheet Central does not endorse or assume responsibility for any content (or opinions) supplied by contributors. Any claims, inaccuracies, or issues related to the content should be directed towards the respective contributor and not towards Cheat Sheet Central.

c. Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from the use or reliance on any contributed content.

6.2 Copyright and Plagiarism:

a. Cheat Sheet Central respects intellectual property rights and expects all users, affiliates, and content providers to do the same.

b. Contributors are responsible for ensuring that the content they supply or contribute to Cheat Sheet Central does not infringe upon copyright or contain plagiarised material.

c. Cheat Sheet Central shall not be held liable for any copyright breaches, plagiarism claims, or legal issues arising from the content supplied by affiliates, content providers, or users of the Website.

d. Upon receiving a notice of alleged copyright infringement or plagiarism, Cheat Sheet Central will promptly investigate and take appropriate action, including the removal of infringing or plagiarised content, as required by applicable laws and regulations. In the event that any sales commissions or contributor commissions are derived from content that is deemed to be in breach of copyright, Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to consider such commissions null and void, without prejudice to any other legal remedies available. Cheat Sheet Central aims to protect the integrity of its affiliate program and will diligently address any false claims or malicious attempts to harm legitimate contributors or affiliates.

e. Reproduction or reselling of downloaded content obtained from Cheat Sheet Central is strictly prohibited. Users and customers are prohibited from redistributing, selling, or otherwise commercially exploiting the copyright-protected items obtained from Cheat Sheet Central without prior written consent. Any unauthorised reproduction or reselling of downloaded content may result in legal action being taken by Cheat Sheet Central to protect its intellectual property rights and seek appropriate remedies.

6.3 Liability for Downloadable Info Products and Third-Party Content:

a. While Cheat Sheet Central makes every effort to ensure that our downloadable info products are free from potential viruses, malware, or malicious code, it is important for Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors to understand that we cannot guarantee the complete elimination of such threats. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all content providers perform due diligence before supplying content to the platform, ensuring it is free from viruses, malware, or malicious code. We also advise using the latest anti-virus software to enhance protection and exercising caution when accessing and sharing files.

b. It is important to note that certain content available on our platform has been directly supplied by third-party providers and contributors. These third-party products may unknowingly contain hidden viruses, malware, or links to external websites that contain malicious code. Cheat Sheet Central will provide a notification on each third-party product page, clearly indicating that the downloadable info product is provided by a third party. Although we strive to vet and review third-party content, we cannot guarantee that all supplied content is free of viruses or malware. Therefore, it is imperative for Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors to exercise due diligence and use the latest anti-virus software when supplying and utilising any digital product. Any legal claims or issues arising from the use of their supplied content should be directed to the respective contributor or third-party provider responsible for supplying the content.

By acknowledging these guidelines and recommendations, Affiliates, Third Party Providers, and Contributors accept full responsibility for ensuring that the content they supply is free from viruses, malware, and links to external websites with malicious code. Cheat Sheet Central will not be held liable for any damages, losses, or legal claims resulting from the use of content that contains viruses, malware, or links to external websites with malicious code. It is the responsibility of the content provider/contributor to take appropriate measures to safeguard their supplied content and ensure its compliance with security standards and regulations.

Furthermore, please note that if Cheat Sheet Central needs to recreate artwork from supplied content to ensure it meets our quality standards, a separate fee will apply. The service charge for artwork recreation is based on the following pricing:

Text Only (page with text only - plus a logo if required): $66 per page

Basic Design (page with text, logo with 1x photo/graphic): $99 per page

Standard Design (page with text, logo, existing branding elements): $132 per page

• Premium Design (page with logo, text, branding, multiple photos/basic icons): $165 per page

• Complex Design (page with logo, text, branding, extra photos/icons/graphics/effects/tables): $198 per page

All prices are in Australian dollars (AUD) and include GST.

7. Termination:

7.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to terminate your participation in the Program at any time if you violate these terms, engage in fraudulent or unethical practices, if the content you contribute is found to be in breach of copyright or contains plagiarised material, if the content is deemed offensive, pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable, or if we determine that specific content provided by contributors may be offensive, pornographic, violent, or otherwise objectionable. This includes content that may infringe upon intellectual property rights, violate applicable laws or regulations, or go against our internal content guidelines.

7.2 In the event of termination or rejection of content, Cheat Sheet Central shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or consequences arising from such actions.

8. Modifications:

8.1 Cheat Sheet Central reserves the right to modify or terminate the Affiliate Rewards Program, including commission rates, payment terms, and content guidelines, at any time without prior notice. Any modifications will be effective immediately upon posting on the Program's designated page.

9. Confidentiality:

9.1 Throughout your participation in the Program, you may gain access to confidential information. You agree to maintain the confidentiality of any such information and not disclose it to any third parties.

10. Relationship:

10.1 Your participation in the Program does not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and Cheat Sheet Central.

11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

11.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Queensland, Australia.

11.2 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts located in Queensland, Australia.

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